History of Style; Draped and Tailored Looks.

Tailored Looks…


1.TAILORED STYLE-KOREA: During the 1600's, traditional Korean dress included long, high-waisted skirt, a tied sash, and a long-sleeved top.

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1. TAILORED STYLE-MODERN UPDATE: A more sleek version of Korean-inspired garments take center stage on the runway.

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2. TAILORED STYLE-EDWARDIAN CORSETRY: During the “Edwardian Era”, women used corsets to mold their bodies into the fashionable garments of the day.

2. TAILORED STYLE-MODERN UPDATE: The practice of “corseting” is still done in fashion but women now follow a more realistic silhouette.

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3. TAILORED STYLE-MEXICAN TRADITIONAL: The famed Mexican painter Frida Khalo proudly displayed her heritage to the world through her traditional regional dress of brightly colored woven tops and floor length skirts.

3.TAILORED STYLE-MODERN UPDATE: Current designers have adapted the traditional Mexican style to embody bright textiles and modern cuts.

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